You requested, here it is. I know I have to much spare time. If your flash player isn't updated this might not appear properly or at all. Sincerely -JuiceBox-
i have a decent idea. why don't we have a "partner-couple" (swinger style) we swap rooms with? ie: josh and kailey swap a room with ashleigh and i? this way it's not random. as randomness can be unfair sometimes.
For sweet dude, I'll teach you flash and you have to teach me basic wiring. -Dave (H@x0r M@Xamus) ps. I like Chris's idea for swapping rooms, but I might leave scorpians in my bed when I'm done so watch out!
That's the most awesome time-well-wasted product ever!
Tender picture... but are there highrises across Darren's lake?
i have a decent idea. why don't we have a "partner-couple" (swinger style) we swap rooms with? ie: josh and kailey swap a room with ashleigh and i? this way it's not random. as randomness can be unfair sometimes.
-teh h@x
p.s. dave can you teach my flash?
For sweet dude, I'll teach you flash and you have to teach me basic wiring.
-Dave (H@x0r M@Xamus)
ps. I like Chris's idea for swapping rooms, but I might leave scorpians in my bed when I'm done so watch out!
dave, for the last time, those are CRABS not scorpions.
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